Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome My Better Angels

(source: Female Imagination)

Okay, so the photo is gratuitous male nudity with just a little kink thrown in to make me happy, but there is a point...  People ask about where My Better Angels comes from pretty regularly, so I thought I'd answer once for the entire class.

First thing to know is that I'm a huge West Wing fan.  Early in the first season President Bartlett has a line that stuck with me ever since I first heard it...  

"My demons were shouting down the better angels of my mind?... You think that's what is stopping me from greatness?"  

I have come to the conclusion that the demons of my mind have interfered with my happiness for far too long. So, I am going to try harder to listen to my better angels and seek out a little greatness or at least a little good-enoughness for myself.  As of now the demons have been summarily told to sit down and shut the hell up tho I'm not tossing them out altogether as they are occasionally useful, but they are not going to get in the way any more. 

To that end, I've had an idea for an M/M romance novel for a long time, but I hadn't done anything about it because of all the crap my demons have be been hollering at me.  Once the demons were quiet, I sat down and wrote my first book. It's is a 95,000 word tale that I occasionally like, generally don't hate and only sometimes want to burn on the hibachi to prevent me from embarrassing myself by allowing anyone else on earth to read it.

After months of writing, re-writing and editing, but I finally have something I'm willing to send off to a few of my favorite publishers.  You will hear much more about the book and my journey to get it published as we move along.  My current challenge is writing a blurb and author bio that doesn't sound like complete drivel.  I'll post drafts of those soon, I hope.

Just so you know, my plan for the blog is to write mostly about my path to becoming a published author and a little about my crazy life; all tastefully decorated with pictures of nearly naked, handsome men who tend to populate my daydreams.

Welcome to the new home of my better angels.  Thank you for reading!


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